Separate areas cater for the needs of children 0-3 and 2-5 years.
A spacious open planned environment is attractively furnished with Montessori materials and examples of children’s work. The specialised classroom: indoor and outdoor are carefully designed to support the intrinsic needs of children according to their level of interest.
The NIDO or “nest” is prepared for babies 0-2.5 years. Here children are provided with sensory and motor materials all with an isolated concept allowing the child to explore and discover specific attributes. Independence is encouraged from the earliest times. Communication is encouraged with warm, caring and respectful educators. (Music, movement and art experiences are all aspects of communication).
Practical Life Exercises encourage independence through learning to care for oneself, others and environment. It establishes the work cycle – a project is chosen, completed and returned to its location, ready for another person to use.
The Sensorial Apparatus awakens the mind to the stimuli that are received through the senses, these are then named.
The Language Program begins by making th child aware of the sounds of speech and then associates symbols with them. Through a variety of approaches, writing and reading ensure the beginning of grammar, introduced in a way that is meaningful at this stage.
Number Work focuses on the decimal system and its operation. The foundations of geometry and algebra are also laid.
The Cultural Area includes elements of:
The nature of the Earth and its people – role of Sustainability.
The variety of plants and animals – role of Sustainability.
Our indigenous heritage, a sense of time and current events.
experiences in these and an introduction to their styles.
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